Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Entry 2...waiting...

     Well I am still fairly unsure as to where to take this so, well, here goes. 
Today I am sitting here waiting on the doctor's office to call me back..only been 4 hours so far.  I'm only in pain, no biggie right?  Sheeesh, waiting on the doctor to call back is like waiting for the paint to peel.  Here it is...5 minutes before they leave for lunch for 2 hours...maybe he'll call me back during lunch. I sure hope so.  Nothing is ever easy is it?  I suppose that's life...well I KNOW it's mine.  Just one thing after another with no end in sight.  I can say this for sure, my life has certainly not turned out the way I thought it would, way back when I was idealistic, optimistic teenager.  I guess I just thought that things would fall into place, that life would just magically happen and be the perfect dream I had in my head.  Stupid teenager.  Not that I am not happy now...I am. I have a great husband, 2 beautiful and healthy kids, a roof over our heads, some food in the fridge, a fairly nice really things could be worse.  Things have been worse.
     I guess the thing to do here is to go back in time and give glimpses into my life. The events that have led up to where I am today..physically and emotionally.  I will, of course, leave out those boring details.  Even without the boring details..I am fairly certain there is a book in my life somewhere.  I don't know, I just have all these phrases, thoughts, ideas and general chaos floating in my head all the time...I think it's time to release them.  In some form ;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

The First Day

     Okay, so this is it.  My first ever blog attempt.  It's Monday, good day to start right?  Although I will probably be talking to myself for quite some time, I am hoping this will do some good for me and I hope that someday I can actually entertain you people.  At this point I am unsure of where to go with this blog.  Do I start at the beginning...nearly 30 years ago?  Do I start from today? 
     Well how about this for a starter.  A little about me. I am a 31 year old mom of 2.  I am currently a stay-at-home mom which on the outside sounds like a good idea....but having lived it for nearly 2 years I can say it's just like any other job, only I don't get paid and never get a day off.  Don't get me wrong, I love spending the time with my kids, seeing my son grow from a rambucious 2 year old into a defiant 3 year old.  Being home when my 5 year old gets home from school.  All good things.  But not much adult conversation going on around here. My husband works long hours and is very tired by the end of the day which usually results in his passing out on the couch shortly after dinner.  I can't blame him, his job bites I get that, it is just tough sometimes.
     So about a year ago, I got in to Facebook.  Now I get my adult conversation through comment boxes and IM's, so that helps a bit.  Oddly enough, some of my best friends now, are people I have never met face to face.  It seems at times that those that I have never personally met care more about me than my own family....excluding of course, my dad and my sister, 2 people I have relied on heavily since my mom passed away in May 2008. But that's gonna be a whole new entry.
     Well, going on the premis that I am in fact talking to myself, I will leave now with that bit of information.